Configuration ============= .. contents:: :local: Introduction ------------ Populus is designed to be highly configurable through the project configuration file. By default, populus will load the file name ``populus.json`` from the root of your project. The ``$ populus init`` command will write the full default configuration. What you can Configure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This config file controls many aspects of populus that are configurable. Currently the config file controls the following things. * Project root directory * Contract source file location * Compiler settings * Available chains and how web3 connects to them. Compiler Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following configuration options are available to control how populus compiles your project contracts. .. code-block:: javascript { "compilation": { "contracts_dir": "./path/to/contract-source-files", "settings": { "optimize": true, "optimize_runs": 100 } } } Contract Source Directory """"""""""""""""""""""""" The directory that project source files can be found in. * key: ``compilation.contracts_dir`` * value: Filesystem path * default: ``'./contracts'`` Compiler Settings """"""""""""""""" Enable or disable compile optimization. * key: ``compilation.settings.optimize`` * value: Boolean * default: ``True`` Determine compiler output. * key: ``compilation.settings.output_values`` * value: List of strings * default: ``['bin', 'bin-runtime', 'abi']`` Set `solc import path remappings _`. This is especially useful if you want to use libraries like `OpenZeppelin `_ with your project. Then you can directly import Zeppelin contracts like ``import "zeppelin/contracts/token/TransferableToken.sol";``. * key: ``compilation.settings.import_remapping`` * value: String * default: ``None`` * example: ``zeppelin=zeppelin`` (assuming you have done ``git submodule add zeppelin``in your project root) Chains ^^^^^^ The ``chains`` key within the configuration file declares what chains populus has access to and how to connect to them. Populus comes pre-configured with the following chains. * ``'mainnet'``: Connects to the public ethereum mainnet via ``geth``. * ``'ropsten'``: Connects to the public ethereum ropsten testnet via ``geth``. * ``'tester'``: Uses an ephemeral in-memory chain backed by pyethereum. * ``'testrpc'``: Uses an ephemeral in-memory chain backed by pyethereum. * ``'temp'``: Local private chain whos data directory is removed when the chain is shutdown. Runs via ``geth``. .. code-block:: javascript { "chains": { "my-chain": { ... // The chain settings. } } } Individual Chain Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Each key and value in the ``chains`` portion of the configuration corresponds to the name of the chain and the settings for that chain. Each chain has two primary sections, ``web3`` and ``chain`` configuration settings. .. code-block:: javascript { "chains": { "my-chain": { "chain": { "class": "populus.chain.LocalGethChain" }, "web3": { "provider": { "class": "web3.providers.ipc.IPCProvider" } } } } } The above chain configuration sets up a new local private chain within your project. The chain above would set it's data directory to ``/chains/my-chain/``. To simplify configuration of chains you can use the ``ChainConfig`` object. .. code-block:: python >>> from populus.config import ChainConfig >>> chain_config = ChainConfig() >>> chain_config.set_chain_class('local') >>> chain_config['web3'] = web3_config # see below for the Web3Config object >>> project.config[''] = chain_config The ``set_chain_class()`` method can take any of the following values. - These strings - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('local') => 'populus.chain.LocalGethChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('external') => 'populus.chain.ExternalChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('tester') => 'populus.chain.TesterChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('testrpc') => 'populus.chain.TestRPCChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('temp') => 'populus.chain.TemporaryGethChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('mainnet') => 'populus.chain.MainnetChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('testnet') => 'populus.chain.TestnetChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('ropsten') => 'populus.chain.TestnetChain'`` - Full python paths to the desired chain class. - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('populus.chain.LocalGethChain') => 'populus.chain.LocalGethChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class('populus.chain.ExternalChain') => 'populus.chain.ExternalChain'`` - ``...`` - The actual chain class. - ``chain_config.set_chain_class(LocalGethChain) => 'populus.chain.LocalGethChain'`` - ``chain_config.set_chain_class(ExternalChain) => 'populus.chain.ExternalChain'`` - ``...`` Chain Class Settings """""""""""""""""""" Determines which chain class will be used for the chain. * key: ``chains..chain.class`` * value: Dot separated python path to the chain class that should be used. * required: Yes Available options are: * ``populus.chain.ExternalChain`` A chain that populus does not manage or run. This is the correct class to use when connecting to a node that is already running. * ``populus.chain.TestRPCChain`` An ephemeral chain that uses the python ``eth-testrpc`` package to run an in-memory ethereum blockchain. This chain will spin up an HTTP based RPC server. * ``populus.chain.TesterChain`` An ephemeral chain that uses the python ``eth-testrpc`` package to run an in-memory ethereum blockchain. This chain **must** be used in conjunction with a web configuration using the provider ``EthereumTesterProvider``. * ``populus.chain.LocalGethChain`` A geth backed chain which will setup it's own data directory in the ``./chains`` directory in the root of your project. * ``populus.chain.TemporaryGethChain`` An ephemeral chain backed by ``geth`` which uses a temporary directory as the data directory which is removed when the chain is shutdown. * ``populus.chain.TestnetChain`` A ``geth`` backed chain which connects to the public Ropsten test network. * ``populus.chain.MainnetChain`` A ``geth`` backed chain which connects to the main public network. Web3 """" Configuration for the Web3 instance that will be used with this chain. See *Web3 Configuration* for more details. * key: ``chains..web3`` * value: Web3 Configuration * required: Yes Web3 Configuration ------------------ Configuration for setting up a Web3 instance. .. code-block:: javascript { "provider": { "class": "web3.providers.ipc.IPCProvider", "settings": { "ipc_path": "/path/to/geth.ipc" } } "eth": { "default_account": "0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601", } } In order to simplify configuring Web3 instances you can use the ``Web3Config`` class. .. code-block:: python >>> from populus.config import Web3Config >>> web3_config = Web3Config() >>> web3_config.set_provider('ipc') >>> web3_config.provider_kwargs['ipc_path'] = '/path/to/geth.ipc' >>> web3.config.default_account = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001' >>> project.config[''] = web3_config >>> project.write_config() # optionally persist the configuration to disk Provider Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifies the import path for the provider class that should be used. * key: ``provider.class`` * value: Dot separated python path * required: Yes Provider Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifies the ``**kwargs`` that should be used when instantiating the provider. * key: ``provider.settings`` * value: Key/Value mapping Default Account ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If present the ``web3.eth.defaultAccount`` will be populated with this address. * key: ``eth.default_account`` * value: Ethereum Address Configuration API ----------------- The project configuration can be accessed as a property on the ``Project`` object via ``project.config``. This object is a dictionary-like object with some added convenience APIs. Project configuration is represented as a nested key/value mapping. Getting and Setting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``project.config`` object exposes the following API for getting and setting configuration values. Supposing that the project configuration file contained the following data. .. code-block:: javascript { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f' } }, 'g': { 'h': { 'i': 'j', 'k': 'l' } } } The config object supports retrieval of values in much the same manner as a dictionary. For convenience, you can also access *deep* nested values using a single key which is dot-separated combination of all keys. .. code-block:: python >>> project.config.get('a') { 'b': { 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f' } } >>> project.config['a'] { 'b': { 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f' } } >>> project.config.get('a.b') { 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f' } >>> project.config['a.b'] { 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f' } >>> project.config.get('a.b.c') 'd' >>> project.config['a.b.c'] 'd' >>> project.config.get('a.b.x') None >>> project.config['a.b.x'] KeyError: 'x' >>> project.config.get('a.b.x', 'some-default') 'some-default' The config object also supports setting of values in the same manner. .. code-block:: python >>> project.config['m'] = 'n' >>> project.config { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f' } }, 'g': { 'h': { 'i': 'j', 'k': 'l' } }, 'm': 'n' } >>> project.config['o.p'] = 'q' >>> project.config { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f' } }, 'g': { 'h': { 'i': 'j', 'k': 'l' } }, 'm': 'n' 'o': { 'p': 'q' } } Config objects support existence queries as well. .. code-block:: python >>> 'a' in project.config True >>> 'a.b' in project.config True >>> 'a.b.c' in project.config True >>> 'a.b.x' in project.config False Config References ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sometimes it is useful to be able to re-use some configuration in multiple locations in your configuration file. This is where references can be useful. To reference another part of your configuration use an object with a single key of ``$ref``. The value should be the full key path that should be used in place of the reference object. .. code-block:: javascript { 'a': { '$ref': 'b.c' } 'b': { 'c': 'd' } } In the above, the key ``a`` is a reference to the value found under key ``b.c`` .. code-block:: python >>> project.config['a'] ['d'] >>> project.config.get('a') ['d'] Defaults -------- Populus ships with many defaults which can be overridden as you see fit. Built-in defaults ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Populus ships with the following *default* configuration. .. literalinclude:: ../populus/assets/defaults.config.json :language: javascript It is recommended to use the ``$ populus init`` command to populate this file as it contains useful defaults. Pre-Configured Web3 Connections ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following pre-configured configurations are available. To use one of the configurations on a chain it should be referenced like this: .. code-block:: javascript { "chains": { "my-custom-chain": { "web3": {"$ref": "web3.GethIPC"} } } } GethIPC """"""" Web3 connection which will connect to geth using an IPC socket. * key: ``web3.GethIPC`` InfuraMainnet """"""""""""" Web3 connection which will connect to the mainnet ethereum network via Infura. * key: ``web3.InfuraMainnet`` InfuraRopsten """"""""""""" Web3 connection which will connect to the ropsten ethereum network via Infura. * key: ``web3.InfuraRopsten`` TestRPC """"""" Web3 connection which will use the ``TestRPCProvider``. * key: ``web3.TestRPC`` Tester """""" Web3 connection which will use the ``EthereumTesterProvider``. * key: ``web3.Tester`` Command Line Interface ---------------------- You can manage your configuration using the command line with the ``$ populus config`` command. .. code-block:: bash $ populus config Usage: populus config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Manage and run ethereum blockchains. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: delete Deletes the provided key/value pairs from the... get Gets the provided key/value pairs from the... list Prints the project configuration out to the... set Sets the provided key/value pairs in the... To interact with nested keys simply separate them with a ``.``. .. code-block:: bash $ populus config list some.nested.key_a: the_value_a some.nested.key_b: the_value_b $ populus config set some.nested.key_c:the_value_c $ populus config list some.nested.key_a: the_value_a some.nested.key_b: the_value_b some.nested.key_c: the_value_c $ populus config get some.nested.key_a some.nested.key_a: the_value_a $ populus config delete some.nested.key_a some.nested.key_a: the_value_a (deleted)