Wait API

class populus.wait.Wait(web3, timeout=empty, poll_interval=empty)

Each chain object exposes the following API through a property Chain.wait.

  • The timeout parameter sets the default number of seconds that each method will block before raising a Timeout exception.
  • The poll_interval determines how long it should wait between polling. If poll_interval == None then random.random() will be used to determine the poling interval.
Wait.for_contract_address(txn_hash, timeout=120, poll_interval=None)

Blocks for up to timeout seconds returning the contract address from the transaction receipt for the given txn_hash.

Wait.for_receipt(txn_hash, timeout=120, poll_interval=None)

Blocks for up to timeout seconds returning the transaction receipt for the given txn_hash.

Wait.for_block(block_number=1, timeout=120, poll_interval=None)

Blocks for up to timeout seconds waiting until the highest block on the current chain is at least block_number.

Wait.for_unlock(account=web3.eth.coinbase, timeout=120, poll_interval=None)

Blocks for up to timeout seconds waiting until the account specified by account is unlocked. If account is not provided, web3.eth.coinbase will be used.

Wait.for_peers(peer_count=1, timeout=120, poll_interval=None)

Blocks for up to timeout seconds waiting for the client to have at least peer_count peer connections.

Wait.for_syncing(timeout=120, poll_interval=None)

Blocks for up to timeout seconds waiting the chain to begin syncing.