Testing ======= Introduction ------------ The Populus framework provides some powerful utilities for testing your contracts. Testing in Populus is powered by the python testing framework ``py.test``. All tests are run against an in-memory blockchain from ``pyethereum.tester``. The convention for tests is to place them in the ``./tests/`` directory in the root of your project. In order for ``py.test`` to find your tests modules their module name must start with ``test_``. Running Tests With Pytest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To run the full test suite of your project: .. code-block:: shell $ py.test tests/ Or to run a specific test .. code-block:: shell $ py.test tests/test_greeter.py Fixtures -------- The test fixtures provided by populus are what make testing easy. In order to use a fixture in your tests all you have to do add an argument with the same name to the signature of your test function. Project ~~~~~~~ * ``project`` The :ref:`Project` object for your project. .. code-block:: python def test_project_things(project): # directory things assert project.project_dir == '/path/to/my/project' # raw compiled contract access assert 'MyContract' in project.compiled_contracts Unmigrated Chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: This fixture has been removed as part of the deprecation of the migrations API. You should instead use the ``chain`` fixture. * ``unmigrated_chain`` The ``'tester'`` test chain. This chain will not have had migrations run. .. code-block:: python def test_greeter(unmigrated_chain): greeter = unmigrated_chain.get_contract('Greeter') assert greeter.call().greet() == "Hello" def test_deploying_greeter(unmigrated_chain): GreeterFactory = unmigrated_chain.get_contract_factory('Greeter') deploy_txn_hash = GreeterFactory.deploy() ... Chain ~~~~~ * ``chain`` A running ``'tester'`` test chain. .. code-block:: python def test_greeter(chain): greeter, _ = chain.get_or_deploy_contract('Greeter') assert greeter.call().greet() == "Hello" Registrar ~~~~~ * ``registrar`` Convenience fixture for the ``chain.registrar`` property. Provider ~~~~~ * ``provider`` Convenience fixture for the ``chain.provider`` property. Web3 ~~~~ * ``web3`` Convenience fixture for the ``chain.provider`` property. A Web3.py instance configured to connect to ``chain`` fixture. .. code-block:: python def test_account_balance(web3, chain): initial_balance = web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.coinbase) wallet = chain.get_contract('Wallet') withdraw_txn_hash = wallet.transact().withdraw(12345) withdraw_txn_receipt = chain.wait.for_receipt(withdraw_txn_hash) after_balance = web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.coinbase) assert after_balance - initial_balance == 1234 Contracts ~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: This fixture has been renamed to ``base_contract_factories``. In future releases of populus this fixture will be removed or repurposed. * ``contracts`` Base Contract Factories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``base_contract_factories`` The contract factory classes for your project. These will all be associated with the Web3 instance from the ``web3`` fixture. .. code-block:: python def test_wallet_deployment(web3, base_contract_factories): WalletFactory = base_contract_factories.Wallet deploy_txn_hash = WalletFactory.deploy() .. note:: For contracts that have library dependencies, you should use the ``Chain.get_contract_factory(...)`` api. The contract factories from the ``base_contract_factories`` fixture will not be returned with linked bytecode. The ones from ``Chain.get_contract_factory()`` are returned fully linked. Accounts ~~~~~~~~ * ``accounts`` The ``web3.eth.accounts`` property off of the ``web3`` fixture .. code-block:: python def test_accounts(web3, accounts): assert web3.eth.coinbase == accounts[0] Custom Fixtures --------------- The built in fixtures for accessing contracts are useful for simple contracts, but this is often not sufficient for more complex contracts. In these cases you can create you own fixtures to build on top of the ones provided by Populus. One common case is a contract that needs to be given constructor arguments. Lets make a fixture for a token contract that requires a constructor argument to set the initial supply. .. code-block:: python import pytest @pytest.fixture() def token_contract(chain): TokenFactory = chain.get_contract_factory('Token') deploy_txn_hash = TokenFactory.deploy(arguments=[ 1e18, # initial token supply ) contract_address = chain.wait.for_contract_address(deploy_txn_hash) return TokenFactory(address=contract_address) Now, you can use this fixture in your tests the same way you use the built-in populus fixtures. .. code-block:: python def test_initial_supply(token_contract): assert token_contract.call().totalSupply() == 1e18