Part 2: Local Chains ==================== .. contents:: :local: Introduction ------------ In part 1 of the tutorial we modified our ``Greeter`` contract and expanded the test suite to cover the new functionality. In this portion of the tutorial we will explore the ability for populus to both run nodes for you as well as connect to running nodes. Setting up a *local* chain -------------------------- The first thing we will do is setup a local chain. Create a file in the root of your project named ``populus.json`` with the following contents .. code-block:: javascript { "version": "3", "chains": { "horton": { "chain": { "class": "populus.chain.geth.LocalGethChain" }, "web3": { "provider": { "class": "web3.providers.ipc.IPCProvider" } }, "contracts": { "backends": { "JSONFile": {"$ref": "contracts.backends.JSONFile"} } } } } } We have just setup the minimal configuration necessary to run a local chain named ``horton``. You can run this chain now in yoru terminal with the following command. .. code-block:: bash $ populus chain run horton You should see **alot** of very verbose output from the running geth node. If you wait and watch you will also see blocks being mined. Deploying the contract ---------------------- Now that we have a local chain we can deploy our ``Greeter`` contract using the ``populus deploy`` command. When prompted select the listed account. .. code-block:: bash $ populus deploy --chain horton Greeter Beginning contract deployment. Deploying 1 total contracts (1 Specified, 0 because of library dependencies). Greeter Accounts ----------------- 0 - 0xf142ff9061582b7b5f2f39f1be6445947a1f3feb Enter the account address or the number of the desired account [0xf142ff9061582b7b5f2f39f1be6445947a1f3feb]: 0 Deploying Greeter Deploy Transaction Sent: 0xd3e6ad1ee455b37bd18703a6686575e9471101fbed7aa21808afd0495e026fe6 Waiting for confirmation... Transaction Mined ================= Tx Hash : 0xce71883741bf4a86e2ca5dd0be5e99888e09888b8a40361a9fb1df81210abe10 Address : 0x89c2a280a483f45a3d140ef752ffe9c6cd4b57fa Gas Provided : 433940 Gas Used : 333940 Verifying deployed bytecode... Verified contract bytecode @ 0x89c2a280a483f45a3d140ef752ffe9c6cd4b57fa matches expected runtime bytecode Deployment Successful. .. note:: Your output will differ in that the ethereum address and transaction hashes won't be the same. It's worth pointing out some *special* properties of local chains. * They run with all APIs enabled (RPC, IPC, WebSocket) * They run with the coinbase unlocked. * They mine blocks using a single CPU. * Their ``datadir`` is located in the ``./chains`` directory within your project. * The coinbase account is alotted a **lot** of ether. Having to select which account to deploy from each time you deploy on a chain is tedious. Lets modify our configuration to specify what the *default* deploy address should be. Change your configuration to match this. .. code-block:: javascript { "version": "3", "chains": { "horton": { "chain": { "class": "populus.chain.LocalGethChain" }, "web3": { "provider": { "class": "web3.providers.ipc.IPCProvider" }, "eth": { "default_account": "0xf142ff9061582b7b5f2f39f1be6445947a1f3feb" } } } } } You can test this now by deploying the greeter contract again using the same command from above. If everything is configured correctly you should no longer be prompted to select an account. Connecting to a `testrpc` node ------------------------------ First, install `eth-testrpc`: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install eth-testrpc After installation, run: .. code-block:: bash $ testrpc-py Available Accounts ================== 0x82a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1 0x7d577a597b2742b498cb5cf0c26cdcd726d39e6e 0xdceceaf3fc5c0a63d195d69b1a90011b7b19650d 0x598443f1880ef585b21f1d7585bd0577402861e5 0x13cbb8d99c6c4e0f2728c7d72606e78a29c4e224 0x77db2bebba79db42a978f896968f4afce746ea1f 0x24143873e0e0815fdcbcffdbe09c979cbf9ad013 0x10a1c1cb95c92ec31d3f22c66eef1d9f3f258c6b 0xe0fc04fa2d34a66b779fd5cee748268032a146c0 0x90f0b1ebbba1c1936aff7aaf20a7878ff9e04b6c Listening on localhost:8545 .. note:: Make sure that you are actually running python `testrpc`, not the javascript version. Then add some new configs to `populus.json`: .. code-block:: javascript { "chains": { ... "local": { "chain": { "class": "populus.chain.ExternalChain" }, "contracts": { "backends": { "Memory": { "$ref": "contracts.backends.Memory" }, "ProjectContracts": { "$ref": "contracts.backends.ProjectContracts" }, "TestContracts": { "$ref": "contracts.backends.TestContracts" } } }, "web3": { "$ref": "web3.Local" } } } ... "web3": { ... "Local": { "provider": { "class": "web3.providers.rpc.HTTPProvider", "settings": { "endpoint_uri": "http://localhost:8545" } } } } } Now, deploy the contract to `testrpc` node: .. code-block:: bash $ populus deploy --chain local --no-wait-for-sync Greeter > Found 1 contract source files - contracts/Greeter.sol > Compiled 1 contracts - contracts/Greeter.sol:Greeter Beginning contract deployment. Deploying 1 total contracts (1 Specified, 0 because of library dependencies). Greeter Deploying Greeter Deploy Transaction Sent: 0x7eddc9a2b6e866388de4a7f029fa39030d752d72cc9e602cfb71d4257bb8d1e8 Waiting for confirmation... Transaction Mined ================= Tx Hash : 0x7eddc9a2b6e866388de4a7f029fa39030d752d72cc9e602cfb71d4257bb8d1e8 Address : 0xc305c901078781c232a2a521c2af7980f8385ee9 Gas Provided : 469607 Gas Used : 369607 Verified contract bytecode @ 0xc305c901078781c232a2a521c2af7980f8385ee9 Deployment Successful. .. note:: The output address `0xc305c901078781c232a2a521c2af7980f8385ee9` will be used later to verify contract deployment. And you should see these logs from `testrpc` node: .. code-block:: bash - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 48 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 44 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 2414 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 107 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 3071 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 391 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 391 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 2163 - - [02/Sep/2017 14:55:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 2164 Finally, use `` to check if the contract is successfully deployed. This is done by checking if the given contract address `0xc305c901078781c232a2a521c2af7980f8385ee9` has corresponding bytecode: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install web3 .. code-block:: python >>> from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider, IPCProvider >>> web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider('http://localhost:8545')) >>> web3.eth.getCode("0xc305c901078781c232a2a521c2af7980f8385ee9") u'0x60606040526000357c....