Release Notes ============= 1.0.0 ----- This is the first release of populus that should be considered stable. * Remove ``$ populus web`` command * Remove ``populus.solidity`` module in favor of ``py-solc`` package for solidity compilation. * Remove ``populus.geth`` module in favor of ``py-geth`` for running geth. * Complete refactor of pytest fixtures. * Switch to ```` for all blockchain interactions. * Compilation: * Remove filtering. Compilation now always compiles all contracts. * Compilation now runs with optimization turned on by default. Can be disabled with ``--no-optimizie``. * Remove use of ``./project-dir/libraries`` directory. All contracts are now expected to reside in the ``./project-dir/contracts`` directory. * New `populus.Project` API. * New Migrations API: * ``$ populus chain init`` for initializing a chain with the Registrar contract. * ``$ populus makemigration`` for creating migration files. * ``$ populus migrate`` for executing migrations. * New configuration API: * New commands ``$ populus config``, ``$ populus config:set`` and ``$ populus config:unset`` for managing configuratino. * New Chain API: * Simple programatic running of project chains. * Access to ``web3.eth.contract`` objects for all project contracts. * Access to pre-linked code based on previously deployed contracts.