Chains ====== .. contents:: :local: .. py:module:: populus.chain .. py:currentmodule:: populus.chain Introduction ------------ Populus has the ability to run a variety of blockchains for you, both programatically and from the command line. Transient Chains ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Populus can run two types of transient chains. * ``testrpc`` Rusn the ``eth-testrpc`` chain which implements the full JSON-RPC interface backed by a test EVM. * ``temp`` Runs a blockchain backed by the go-ethereum ``geth`` client. This chain will use a temporary directory for it's chain data which will be cleaned up and removed when the chain shuts down. Local Chains ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Local chains can be setup within your ``populus.ini`` file. Each local chain stores its chain data in the :py:attribute::`populus.Project.blockchains_dir` and persists it's data between runs. Local chains are backed by the go-ethereum ``geth`` client. .. code-block:: [chain:local] # you don't actually have to set any configuration, just create the heading. Public Chains ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Populus can run both the main and morden public chains. * ``mainnet`` With ``$ populus chain run mainnet`` populus will run the the go-ethereum client for you connected to the main public ethereum network. * ``morden`` With ``$ populus chain run morden`` populus will run the the go-ethereum client for you connected to the testnet public ethereum network. Running from the command line ----------------------------- The ``$ populus chain`` command handles running chains from the command line. .. code-block:: $ populus chain Usage: populus chain [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Manage and run ethereum blockchains. Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: reset Reset a chain removing all chain data and... run Run the named chain. Running programatically from code --------------------------------- The :py:method::`populus.Project.get_chain(chain_name, *chain_args, **chain_kwargs)` method returns a :py:class::`populus.chain.Chain` instance that can be used within your code to run any populus chain. Lets look at a basic example of using the ``temp`` chain. .. code-block:: python >>> from populus import Project >>> project = Project() >>> with project.get_chain('temp') as chain: ... print('coinbase:', chain.web3.eth.coinbase) ... ... coinbase: 0x16e11a86ca5cc6e3e819efee610aa77d78d6e075 >>> >>> with project.get_chain('temp') as chain: ... print('coinbase:', chain.web3.eth.coinbase) ... ... coinbase: 0x64e49c86c5ad1dd047614736a290315d415ef28e You can see that each time a ``temp`` chain is instantiated it creates a new data directory and generates new keys. The ``testrpc`` chain operates in a similar manner in that each time you run the chain the EVM data is fully reset. The benefit of the ``testrpc`` server is that it starts quicker, and has mechanisms for manually resetting the chain. Here is an example of running the ``testrpc`` blockchain. .. code-block:: python >>> from populus import Project >>> project = Project() >>> with project.get_chain('testrpc') as chain: ... print('coinbase:', chain.web3.eth.coinbase) ... print('blockNumber:', chain.web3.eth.blockNumber) ... chain.mine() ... print('blockNumber:', chain.web3.eth.blockNumber) ... snapshot_id = chain.snapshot() ... print('Snapshot:', snapshot_id) ... chain.mine() ... chain.mine() ... print('blockNumber:', chain.web3.eth.blockNumber) ... chain.revert(snapshot_id) ... print('blockNumber:', chain.web3.eth.blockNumber) ... coinbase: 0x82a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1 blockNumber: 1 blockNumber: 2 Snapshot: 0 blockNumber: 4 blockNumber: 2 Here is an example how to have your own py.test fixture for launching a temporary Geth instance with a fresh blockchain. See * :py:meth:`populus.project.Project.get_chain` * :py:class:`populus.project.Project` * :py:class:`populus.chain.TemporaryGethChain` * :py:class:`populus.config.Config` * :py:class:`web3.Web3` Example: .. code-block:: python import os from populus.project import Project from populus.utils.config import Config from web3 import Web3 from web3 import RPCProvider @pytest.yield_fixture(scope="session") def web3() -> Web3: """A py.test fixture to get a Web3 interface to a temporary geth instance. This is session scoped fixture. Geth is launched only once during the beginning of the test run. Geth will have a huge premined instant balance on its coinbase account. Geth will also mine our transactions on artificially low difficulty level. :yield: :py:class:`web3.Web3` instance """ project = Project() # Project is configured using populus.config.Config class # which is a subclass of Python config parser. # Instead of reading .ini file, here we dynamically # construct the configuration. project.config = Config() # Settings come for [populus] section of the config. project.config.add_section("populus") # Configure where Populus can find our contracts.json build_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "websauna", "wallet", "ethereum") project.config.set("populus", "build_dir", build_dir) chain_kwargs = { # Force RPC provider instead of default IPC one "provider": RPCProvider, # Adjust geth verbosity for less # output so that test failures are easier to read. "verbosity": "2" } # This returns TemporaryGethChain instance as geth_proc with project.get_chain("temp", **chain_kwargs) as geth_proc: web3 = geth_proc.web3 # Allow access to sendTransaction() to use coinbase balance # to deploy contracts. Password is from py-geth # default_blockchain_password file. Assume we don't # run tests for more than 9999 seconds coinbase = web3.eth.coinbase success = web3.personal.unlockAccount( coinbase, passphrase="this-is-not-a-secure-password", duration=9999) assert success, "Could not unlock test geth coinbase account" yield web3 Configuring Chains ------------------ Populus can configure your chains for you using the ``$ populus chain config`` command. During configuration you will be prompted with a series of questions about how populus should interact with the chain, as well as allowing you to set some default values for the chain. .. code-block:: shell $ populus chain config local_a Configuring **new** chain: local_a ---------------------------------- Populus can run the blockchain client for you, including connecting to the public main and test networks. Should populus manage running this chain? [Y/n]: y Web3 Provider Choices: 1) IPC socket (default) 2) RPC via HTTP How should populus connect to this chain? [ipc]: Will this blockchain be running with a non-standard `geth.ipc`path? [y/N]: This chain will default to sending transactions from 0x03c932f52524ea0a47b83e86feacd9f26465f0e1. Would you like to set a different default account? [y/N]: Writing configuration to /Users/piper/sites/populus/populus.ini ... Sucess! Access To Contracts ------------------- .. py:class:: Chain All chain objects present the following API for interacting with your project contracts. .. py:method:: Chain.get_contract_factory(contract_name, link_dependencies=None, validate_bytecode=True) Returns the contract factory for the contract indicated by ``contract_name`` from the chain's ``compiled_contracts``. If provided, ``link_dependencies`` should be a dictionary that maps library names to their on chain addresses that will be used during bytecode linking. If truthy (the default), ``validate_bytecode`` indicates whether the bytecode for any library dependencies for the given contract should be validated to match the on chain bytecode. If your project has no project migrations then the data used for these contract factories will come directly from the compiled project contracts. If your project has migrations then the data used to build your contract factories will be populutated as follows.: #. The newest migration that has been run which deploys the requested contract. #. The newest migration which contains this contract in it's ``compiled_contracts`` property #. The compiled project contracts. .. py:method:: Chain.get_contract(contract_name, link_dependencies=None, validate_bytecode=True) Returns the contract instance indicated by the ``contract_name`` from the chain's ``compiled_contracts``. The ``link_dependencies`` argument behaves the same was as specified in the ``get_contract_factory`` method. The ``validate_bytecode`` argument behaves the same way as specified in the ``get_contract_factory`` with the added condition that the bytecode for the requested contract will also be checked. .. note:: When using a ``TestRPCChain`` the ``get_contract`` method will lazily deploy your contracts for you. This lazy deployment will only work for simple contracts which do not require constructor arguments. .. py:method:: Chain.is_contract_available(contract_name, link_dependencies=None, validate_bytecode=True, raise_on_error=False) Returns ``True`` or ``False`` as to whether the contract indicated by ``contract_name`` from the chain's ``compiled_contracts`` is available through the ``Chain.get_contract`` API. The ``link_dependencies`` argument behaves the same was as specified in the ``get_contract_factory`` method. The ``validate_bytecode`` argument behaves the same way as specified in the ``get_contract_factory`` with the added condition that the bytecode for the requested contract will also be checked. If ``raise_on_error`` is truthy, then the method will raise an exception instead of returning ``False`` for any of the failure cases. Waiting for Things ------------------ Each chain object exposes the following API through a property ``chain.wait`` .. py:method:: Chain.wait.for_contract_address(txn_hash, timeout=120) Blocks for up to ``timeout`` seconds returning the contract address from the transaction receipt for the given ``txn_hash``. .. py:method:: Chain.wait.for_receipt(txn_hash, timeout=120) Blocks for up to ``timeout`` seconds returning the transaction receipt for the given ``txn_hash``. .. py:method:: Chain.wait.for_block(block_number=1, timeout=120) Blocks for up to ``timeout`` seconds waiting until the highest block on the current chain is at least ``block_number``. .. py:method:: Chain.wait.for_unlock(account=web3.eth.coinbase, timeout=120) Blocks for up to ``timeout`` seconds waiting until the account specified by ``account`` is unlocked. If ``account`` is not provided, ``web3.eth.coinbase`` will be used. .. py:method:: Chain.wait.for_peers(peer_count=1, timeout=120) Blocks for up to ``timeout`` seconds waiting for the client to have at least ``peer_count`` peer connections. .. py:method:: Chain.wait.for_syncing(timeout=120) Blocks for up to ``timeout`` seconds waiting the chain to begin syncing.