Part 5: Edge Cases Tests ======================== .. contents:: :local: Test a Modifier "throw" Exception --------------------------------- In the contract we used a modifier, to enforce a pre-condition on the ``donate`` function: A donation should not be of value 0, otherwise the modifier will ``throw``. We wanted this modifier to make sure that the donations counter will not increment for zero donations: .. code-block:: solidity modifier nonZeroValue() { if (!(msg.value > 0)) throw; _; } function donate(uint usd_rate) public payable nonZeroValue {...} Edit the tests file: .. code-block:: shell $ nano tests/ And add the following test to the bottom of the file: .. code-block:: python import pytest from ethereum.tester import TransactionFailed def test_modifier(chain): donator, deploy_tx_hash = chain.provider.get_or_deploy_contract('Donator') with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed): donator.transact({'value':0}).donate(4) defaultUsdRate = assert defaultUsdRate == 350 Simple test. Note the py.test syntax for *expected* exceptions: ``with pytest.raises(...)``. The test transaction is of 0 value: .. code-block:: python donator.transact({'value':0}).donate(4) So the modifier should ``throw``. Since the transaction should fail, the ``defaultUsdRate`` should remain the same, with the original initialisation of the constructor .. code-block:: solidity function Donator() { defaultUsdRate = 350; } And ignore the test transaction with ``.donate(4)``. Run the tests: .. code-block:: shell $ py.test --disable-pytest-warnings ===================================== test session starts =============== platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.1.3, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0 rootdir: /home/mary/projects/donations, inifile: plugins: populus-1.8.0, hypothesis-3.14.0 collected 4 items tests/ .... ========================= 4 passed, 20 warnings in 1.07 seconds ========= Works, all 4 tests passed. Fallback Function ----------------- At the moment, Populus does not have a builtin option to call fallback function. To run it, you can send a simple transaction with Web3, or even better: write another function that you can test, and let the ``fallback`` only call this function Interim Summary --------------- * Working Contract * All tests pass The next step is to deploy the contract to a persisetent chain.