Part 4: Publishing a Package


In the previous tutorial we explored installing packages and using the contracts from those packages in our project.

This tutorial will pick up where that one left off. We will be publishing our mintable-standard-token package to The Package Registry.

Configuring Populus for Publishing

In order to publish our package you will need to add some configuration to the the RopstenPackageIndexBackend which can be found in the populus.json file in the root of the project. It should currently look like this.

"RopstenPackageIndexBackend": {
  "class": "populus.packages.backends.index.PackageIndexBackend",
  "priority": 40,
  "settings": {
    "package_index_address": "0x8011df4830b4f696cd81393997e5371b93338878",
    "web3-for-install": {
      "$ref": "web3.InfuraRopsten"

We’re going to add the key web3-for-publish to the settings portion of this config. Populus will need to be able to send transactions through the configured web3 instances. For the purposes of this tutorial you will need to run a geth node that is connected to the Ropsten testnetwork with an unlocked account. Modify the config to look like the following, but with your address substituted in place the address 0xaffa9e11a8deac514b93169c764aa042b4fe316f and the path to your geth.ipc file for the running ropsten instance.

"RopstenPackageIndexBackend": {
  "class": "populus.packages.backends.index.PackageIndexBackend",
  "priority": 40,
  "settings": {
    "package_index_address": "0x8011df4830b4f696cd81393997e5371b93338878",
    "web3-for-install": {
      "$ref": "web3.InfuraRopsten"
    "web3-for-publish": {
      "provider": {
        "class": "web3.providers.ipc.IPCProvider",
        "settings": {
          "ipc_path": "/Users/piper/Library/Ethereum/ropsten/geth.ipc"
      "eth": {
        "default_account": "0xaffa9e11a8deac514b93169c764aa042b4fe316f"

Configuring your package for publishing

The next thing you’ll need to do is rename your package to something other than mintable-standard-token as that package name is already registered on the package index. The package name is set in the ethpm.json file located in the root of the project.

Building the release lockfile

To build the package we will use the $ populus package build command. We want to include our MintableToken contract in the release. Use the following command to build the release lockfile.

$ populus package build --contract-type MintableToken
Wrote release lock file: build/1.0.0.json

If you open up the built release lockfile ./build/1.0.0.json you should see something similar to the following (which was truncated for readability sake).

  "build_dependencies": {
    "example-package-owned": "ipfs://QmUwVUMVtkVctrLDeL12SoeCPUacELBU8nAxRtHUzvtjND",
    "example-package-standard-token": "ipfs://QmegJYswSDXUJbKWBuTj7AGBY15XceKxnF1o1Vo2VvVPLQ"
  "contract_types": {
    "MintableToken": {
      "abi": [
      "bytecode": "0x60606040525b60....",
      "contract_name": "MintableToken",
      "natspec": {
        "methods": {
          "balanceOf(address)": {
            "details": "Returns number of tokens owned by given address.",
            "params": {
              "_owner": "Address of token owner."
      "runtime_bytecode": "0x606060405236156..."
  "lockfile_version": "1",
  "meta": {
    "authors": [
      "Piper Merriam <>"
    "description": "Mintable ERC20 token contract",
    "keywords": [
    "license": "MIT",
    "links": {}
  "package_name": "mintable-standard-token",
  "sources": {
    "./contracts/MintableToken.sol": "ipfs://QmWUWwXdR6d5BycZYoDVyv4gkEEYkv9ixwQpLoePLNGPBE"
  "version": "1.0.0"

Publishing the release lockfile

The last step is to publish the release lockfile. This is done with the $ populus package publish command.

$ populus package publish build/1.0.0.json
Publishing to RopstenPackageIndexBackend

If you wait for the transaction to be confirmed and head over to The Package Registry you should see your newly published package in the package index.